Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Monday, May 30, 2011

what's new

Mr. Bean has been babbling for awhile now and is quite good at making the /b/ sound.  Last month he started saying babababa.  This past week, he was just saying bbbbb. I wondered why he was going backwards with his sounds, but realized he was trying hard to blow rasberries!  It has been really cute watching him practice!  He finally has it down.  He has also started saying dadadada, the /n/ sound and occasionally the /m/ sound. I am anxiously waiting for him to say Mama.

He has also been taking his ankles and wrists and rotating them, like he is warming up for a sports match.  Bean has begun pushing himself backwards, which requires a great amount of effort on his part. I think he is getting ready for crawling.  Rolling is his specialty.  He is very quick now.

Eating is always a fun adventure.  This past week Bean had spinach and mangoes for the first time.  Of course, he likes them both!  We ask him if he wants more and are trying to teach him the sign for more.  He knows what it means.  When we ask "Do you want more?" he reacts with his whole body, pants like a puppy dog, waves his arms and legs, and tenses up his face.  I love seeing his reactions! It has been a busy week.  We are looking forward to seeing what he will do next!

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