Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our Son At 22 Months

Ah, the Bean is sleeping and I have a few minutes to relax and catch up on our blog. Tonight's dinner is in the crock pot and the veggies for tomorrow's dinner are prepped. Amel got up with Bean this morning, so I slept in. I also got some cleaning done today. So, I am still in my pj's, but it feels good to get some things accomplished.

Last weekend, we transitioned Bean from sleeping in his crib in our room to sleeping on a queen mattress in his own room. It has gone fairly smoothly. I have had to go in and nurse him and lay down with him a couple nights, but he has slept through the night (8 or 9 pm - 5 or 6 am) several nights. We tried to turn his crib into a toddler bed, but it was not low enough and we worried he would fall out. We went to IKEA to check out toddler beds and decided they were too small. He moves around quite a bit and would sometimes smack his hands or head on the slats in the crib. The queen mattress is proving to be a good solution. He still loves Sesame Street, so I put some decals of his favorite friends around his bed. We say good night and hug and kiss them before bed and naps.

The Bean's other current obsession is dee duts (big trucks). His favorite big truck is the "wa hoe" (back hoe). There is quite a bit of construction going on in our neighborhood right now. When Amel is preparing to head out the door for work, Bean turns to me and says "uppy, big trucks!" I pick him up and we go out the door with Tata to see if there are any backhoes digging nearby. We also go on walks through the neighborhood to check out the equipment, as well as drive around the neighborhood, stopping to watch the construction each time we leave or come home.

I love looking at the world through my toddler's eyes. Simple things we take for granted are amazing to him. I try to be very patient allowing Bean to do things like open and close the garage door each time we go somewhere. He also loves to "beep" the car. Of course, it is often a challenge to get the keys back from him, but it's fun and I love seeing the joy on his face from these simple activities.

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