Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Can Busy Mom Get Fit?

Getting fit after pregnancy is a challenging task. Anyone who knows me knows that pre baby, I was in shape and fairly healthy. Since going through pregnancy and having a baby, I have learned a lot more about the food that goes into my body and made changes, like cutting way back on animal protein and sugar, and eating organic whenever possible. However, I have fallen far behind when it comes to exercise. If you had asked me before having a child, I would have said, "no way, it's not possible I won't be exercising on a regular basis." Little did I know how much work and how time consuming it is to take care of a little one. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my "job," but I have decided it is time for this mama to get back into shape!

Before Bean, I practiced yoga three to four times a week and did a lot of walking and occasional hiking. After Bean was born, I still walked a lot with him, but found it difficult to do yoga. Finding a quiet space or time when my boobs or I weren't needed was near impossible. Then there is the issue of having money to spend for a gym membership or yoga classes on one income. Since Bean started walking, taking walks for exercise has become near impossible, as he doesn't want to be confined in the stroller. I still take walks with him and play at the park, but walking a quarter of a mile can take quite a while strolling with a toddler who needs to stop and examine the world around him. Oh, and don't forget, my child didn't sleep more than two hours at a time until he was about two years old. Having energy to exercise has also been an issue. I think that about covers my list of excuses.

For two years, I was able to eat any and everything I wanted. Now that Bean is down to nursing just at nap and bedtime, my body isn't using all those calories it once was to produce milk. Unfortunately, I haven't changed my eating habits, but am doing so now. I am cutting out snacks at night and the bad habit of eating food I try to get Bean to eat that just sits on a plate untouched. I generally eat healthy food, a lot of vegetables and grains and some fruit and occasionally binge on bad stuff. I plan on keeping that practice without too much binging. I am also really trying to cut out processed sugar as much as possible. That is not an easy task, since it is hidden in almost everything. Eating foods that are not processed makes it easier to avoid sugar. My main issue with diet is just cutting back on snacking throughout the day and after getting the Bean to bed. Before Bean I used to eat a healthy breakfast, a small mid-morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and a reasonable dinner. I plan to get back to that habit.

The more difficult part is finding time to exercise. You saw my list of excuses. I am now putting those excuses aside and figuring out how to fit exercise into my schedule. I am concerned about not exercising because I have noticed I have become very inflexible and am having some joint pain. I am afraid if I don't get back in shape, I will have some major issues as I age. Exercise has always been my stress reliever. I notice I don't have as much energy as I used to. I think getting into a fitness routine will help with that. Not to mention I don't feel that I look as nice as I used to, which affects how I feel about myself. I don't need to be perfect, but I'd like to fit into and look nice in my clothes.

So, how is a mom without a lot of time supposed to overcome excuses and get in shape? It helps that my husband is supportive. In a recent conversation, he reminded me to set my priorities, put them in writing and post them where I will see them. That simple step has helped a lot. When Bean is napping my first priority is to exercise, followed by house cleaning, then working on my blog. As soon as Bean is asleep, I take 10 or 20 minutes and exercise. I don't check Facebook or make phone calls. I get the exercise done.

Amel is also giving me time in the evening to exercise. He often takes Bean outside for an hour or so to give me some time. This is much appreciated, as I know he is tired when he gets home from work. Today I exercised for twenty minutes and may get a chance to do some yoga this evening. I think I will see real results before long.

I purchased the Beachbody 10-Minute Trainer Workouts and plan to do at least one a day, hopefully two. I also bought a book called 40 Days to Personal Revolution which is a yoga program. By combining the two I hope to reach my goals of getting back to my regular weight, toning up my body, relieving stress, and gaining energy.  My starting weight is 123 lbs. My goal weight is 117. I took some before photos, but I'm not going to post them until the end of my experiment. For the next six weeks I am committed to exercising for 10 minutes six days a week and cutting out snacks. I am hoping for good results and think by writing down my plan I can better stick to it.

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