Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Bean At 28 Months

Right now we are in the midst of the terrible and terrific twos. As far as the terrible twos go, Bean has decided that everything everywhere we go is his. The last month he has started saying "mine" quite a lot. We went to the Mesa Museum for Youth last week. Bean decided he would like to try grabbing toys from other kids and (very gently) swatting at them if they resisted. When we go to the park, he likes to take other kids toys, especially if they are playing with trucks, but he is not happy if someone wants his toys. When he was younger, I was a little worried that he would get walked on by other children, as he would cry like his heart was broken if another baby took something away from. It was heart breaking for me too. I think he is making up for that now! He is still pretty gentle, but is testing the waters from time to time just like a two year old is supposed to do. We are practicing saying "may I have it please" quite a lot and see some progress. Two weeks ago at the library he grabbed a book from another boy who of course cried. Poor Bean has been talking about it since then saying "I take that book from that boy. He is upset." He says it in a way that makes me think he feels badly about the incident and is going over it again and again. I have learned a lot about brain development since Bean was born. Toddlers brains are not developed enough for them to think and then act. As parents, we may think we have told them over and over again not to do something and they know better, however their impulses are so strong they act immediately. I understand he is not purposely doing things he knows he shouldn't, this stage just requires an extra dose of patience.  I am glad I have the opportunity to guide and teach my son. Being a mom is really an awesome experience, even in the midst of being tired, exhausted and running low on patience.

As for the terrific side of the twos, I am amazed by my son everyday. We are having simple little conversations now. He is quite a chatter box. They say our brains are not developed enough to have conscious memory of events until around 2 1/2 years old. I am curious what memories Bean will recall as his first memories when he is an adult. His memory is like a steel trap! He talks about things that happened before he was speaking, for example he remembers when we went to the hospital due to a mosquito bite that turned into a staph infection and he had to get an antibiotic shot. Last night he reminded me which leg he had the infection in. We have some Sesame Street story books that have a music player that goes along with them. We have been reading and singing these songs before bed. Bean sings the songs during the day and remembers the words, which I often do not.

Some other things I want to remember about 28 months -

Bean's naps have been very random since we had company over the holidays. There is a 50/50 chance he will take a nap. He still needs a nap, but he doesn't want to miss anything and often won't sleep (he has been that way since he was a newborn). I am trying to let go of the frustration I feel when he won't nap. I could definitely use a little time to myself during the day for sanity time and to clean or exercise.

He still eats mainly pureed food. It seems he is more particular than ever. He will eat fish sticks and sun butter and honey sandwiches now. I am looking for recipes that combine veggies and protein into some sort of cake or muffin that I can get him to eat. As for now, we continue to buy baby food to get him to eat veggies, fruit and protein.

Bean still likes Sesame Street, but trucks and big machines are his true love. We spend a lot of time at the construction site in our neighborhood where there is a school being built. Playing with trucks in the sand is a favorite activity. Bob the Builder is still Bean's favorite show, although he is adding some variety, like Super Why and Thomas the Train. He loves to climb and talks daily about how he wants to climb a ladder. He likes to wear oven mits, gloves, or even socks on his hands. These are his work gloves. He has been carrying pillows from one room to another saying he is "working hard." He also likes to kick/throw any kind of ball.

Bean has learned how to hold up two fingers to represent two objects. It was really cute watching him get the hang of that. He is doing well with understanding quantities up to about 5.

The Bean and I spent a fun day at Desert Breeze park today. We road the train and the carousel, played on the equipment, dug in the sand and had a picnic lunch. Although it was a typical day, these moments and memories are very special and I am tucking them away in my heart.

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