Aaarrgh! I have not done very well at keeping up with my blog lately. In part, I blame it on being tired due to all night nursing and staying up late to "get things done" like I am doing right now!
Unfortunately, tomorrow we will be making a trip to the GI doctor. The Beanster keeps going through long bouts of constipation, we're talking a week to 10 days. The pediatrician said to give him Miralax, but we don't want to give him medication all the time. It seems strange a child who only eats fruits, veggies, and grains would have these kinds of issues. I have cut out rice and bananas, but that doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I have taken Maika to a chiropractor a couple of times and think it is helping. Amel says it is coincidental, but I really think it's working. I don't think there is anything seriously wrong, but we want to make sure.
The Bean is cutting new teeth. His eye tooth on the left just popped through and the right side is making its way down. I had no idea how difficult the teething process is! Teeth are evil and tortuous for my poor baby. He wakes up more often than usual and nurses through out much of the night. This makes for one tired mama! I can't believe we have 22 more teeth (including molars) to go through...
Bean has added some new words to his repertoire; he says and signs all done and says na na, which means danger. I hate say no all the time, in fact, I try to avoid saying no. I've been saying "danger" when Maika heads for a power cord or outlet. Now he crawls over to wires and says na na and proceeds to play with it anyway. I am finding redirecting him to another activity works well.
Bean is becoming a pro at standing up. This past week he started cruising around the furniture. He is so cautious when lowering himself back to the ground. His leg muscles must be sore, as it takes him quite awhile to complete his squat. It is quite adorable to see him pull himself up to the window in his room after a bath, before we have a chance to get his pj's on and see that chubby little tushy.
He still won't eat anything that is not pureed completely smooth. I keep offering him real food, but he pushes it away. On the other hand, Bean loves feeding other people. He fed me a whole box of raisins, one at a time! He also like to pretend to feed us with his spoon.
Speaking of spoons, a lot of children have a lovey, such as a blankie or favorite stuffed animal. Well, the Bean enjoys carrying around a baby spoon from morning until night. We joke that he will be a MEMS engineer when he grows up. MEMS stand for micro-electro-mechanical systems. Apparently, these are the dudes who work with very small technology. No kidding, Bean finds pepper seeds and grains of sand and hands them to us.
We are really having fun watching all of Bean's new discoveries. I am looking forward to spending our second Christmas with him and seeing more and more of his personality coming out.
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