Mr. Bean is changing so much so quickly. I need to write down some of his milestones that I don't want to forget! When he was only five weeks old, Maika rolled from his tummy to his back. He really did not like tummy time! He has done it a few times since. On February 1, he put his little hands on my face on purpose. My heart completely melted!
Mr. Bean recently turned four months. I am amazed at how much he seems to have grown up in the past week! He acts more like a baby than like a newborn. He is enjoying tummy time more. Maika is reaching for toys and knows that he is the one causing them to move and light up. While on his tummy, he is lifting his bottom up.
Unfortunately, I discovered I should not eat mass quantities of dark chocolate. On Monday (Valentine's Day) my Valentine came home with a dozen roses and some delicious chocolates
. I ate way too many and the next day noticed Maika was rather fussy. I thought it could possibly be the caffeine in the dark chocolate, but thought maybe it was just that he didn't sleep well. On Wednesday I had more chocolate
. Again, Bean had a rough night's sleep, lots of gas and no naps on Thursday. He definitely reacts to chocolate. Poor guy. I hate that I made him have a bad day. I am getting to the point here...Bean had a rough night and was up early. I took him for a long walk hoping he would fall asleep. He did, but only for about 20 minutes. We came in and were playing. For some reason, I decided to check in his mouth and see if there might be any teeth beginning to surface (he has been drooling a lot and really going to town on his fingers). To my shock and utter dismay, I felt something sharp!
Later in the day, Maika and I met our dear friends Alicia, and her adorable daughter Linnea at San Tan mall to hit up the Gymboree sale. I made Alicia check Maika's mouth. She concurred that she felt what seemed to be a tooth starting to break through. I have been holding back tears. I am not ready for my baby to be grown up enough to have teeth! I guess it is time for baby toothpaste :(
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