Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

 It is Christmas Day night and I'm feeling those Christmas day night blues.  Right now I am missing my family and close friends who are far away. Even though the closing of Christmas day is a little sad, I am also feeling blessed and very happy. We had a great 2nd Christmas with the Bean.

Last night we attended Mass. Mass with a 14 month old is challenging, but it was a lovely service with beautiful music, followed by dinner and relaxing a little with Amel and some eggnog. I actually managed to get the downstairs cleaned to almost pre-Bean status. What a great feeling to relax in a clean, uncluttered home! Amel and I stayed up until one am putting Bean's toys together. We simply and loosely wrapped his gifts so he would be able to open them easily. He didn't really get into opening his gifts,but seems to like them all. However, the pots, pans, spoons and cups are still the preferred play objects. Thanks to technology my family in Ohio and Amel's family in Croatia were able to be with us while we opened gifts. I am loving my birthday gift (my iPad).

We had brunch with our dear friends, Nadar, Diane, and Nasar. We got to spend the day together, eating, drinking, playing with Bean and his toys, and playing some wii. It really was a great day!
We truly are blessed to be able to give and receive such nice gifts, but much more importantly we are blessed with good health, a home filled with love and family and true friends who care about us. There could be no better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bean at 13.5 months

Aaarrgh! I have not done very well at keeping up with my blog lately. In part, I blame it on being tired due to all night nursing and staying up late to "get things done" like I am doing right now!

Unfortunately, tomorrow we will be making a trip to the GI doctor. The Beanster keeps going through long bouts of constipation, we're talking a week to 10 days. The pediatrician said to give him Miralax, but we don't want to give him medication all the time. It seems strange a child who only eats fruits, veggies, and grains would have these kinds of issues. I have cut out rice and bananas, but that doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I have taken Maika to a chiropractor a couple of times and think it is helping. Amel says it is coincidental, but I really think it's working. I don't think there is anything seriously wrong, but we want to make sure.

The Bean is cutting new teeth. His eye tooth on the left just popped through and the right side is making its way down. I had no idea how difficult the teething process is! Teeth are evil and tortuous for my poor baby. He wakes up more often than usual and nurses through out much of the night. This makes for one tired mama! I can't believe we have 22 more teeth (including molars) to go through...

Bean has added some new words to his repertoire; he says and signs all done and says na na, which means danger. I hate say no all the time, in fact, I try to avoid saying no. I've been saying "danger" when Maika heads for a power cord or outlet. Now he crawls over to wires and says na na and proceeds to play with it anyway. I am finding redirecting him to another activity works well.

Bean is becoming a pro at standing up. This past week he started cruising around the furniture. He is so cautious when lowering himself back to the ground. His leg muscles must be sore, as it takes him quite awhile to complete his squat. It is quite adorable to see him pull himself up to the window in his room after a bath, before we have a chance to get his pj's on and see that chubby little tushy.

He still won't eat anything that is not pureed completely smooth. I keep offering him real food, but he pushes it away. On the other hand, Bean loves feeding other people. He fed me a whole box of raisins, one at a time! He also like to pretend to feed us with his spoon.

Speaking of spoons, a lot of children have a lovey, such as a blankie or favorite stuffed animal. Well, the Bean     enjoys carrying around a baby spoon from morning until night. We joke that he will be a MEMS engineer when he grows up. MEMS stand for micro-electro-mechanical systems. Apparently, these are the dudes who work with very small technology. No kidding, Bean finds pepper seeds and grains of sand and hands them to us.

We are really having fun watching all of Bean's new discoveries. I am looking forward to spending our second Christmas with him and seeing more and more of his personality coming out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

1st Birthday Letter

Dear Maika,

Each year on your birthday, I plan to write you a letter so that you can look back and know just how special you are and how much you are loved. I have been procrastinating a bit, because writing this letter means I have to admit you are growing up. It seems like just yesterday you were born. I blinked, and now you are one!

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but I didn't realize how much I would absolutely love being your mama! My precious son, you are such an amazing little person! When you were an "inside baby," I wondered what you would look like and what your personality would be like. When you were just a day old, I held you to my chest to burp you after you nursed. You wrapped your tiny, chubby arm around my neck and rubbed my back. Your sweet personality was already noticeable. It melts my heart when you give kisses. You are such a sensitive and gentle baby. I love watching your willingness to share with your friends. When playing with an object, you offer it to others, although usually expecting to get it back and none too happy if your toy isn't returned.

Your judicious nature is different from my own, but makes me want to protect and comfort you. I can tell you will be someone who thinks things through and makes good decisions. I think you have inherited your Tata's engineering mind, the way you cautiously pick up your toys, turn them in your hands and examine them from every angle. I am in awe of how quickly you learn. You are already saying a few words that we can understand.

Your expressions are priceless. Your big blue eyes are caring and expressive. When you were first born, Tata and I thought you were the most beautiful baby we had ever seen. We didn't think you could get any cuter, yet somehow everyday I look at you and think you are more handsome than the day before. You are such a character, with your fake coughing and laughing. You bring us so much joy and fulfillment.

Being new parents, sometimes we feel like we are experimenting with what works best and figuring out our parenting style as we go along (sorry). During this past year, we've had some rough and sleepless nights that have taught me to be a more patient person. Those long nights have made for a tired mama but have also strengthened our bond.

You have given us so much, just by being you. After trying for three years to have a baby, Tata and I thought it might be just the two of us. When you were born, you filled a hole we didn't even know was missing. Now that you have been in our life for those nine (really ten) months, plus one year, it is hard to imagine what life was like before you.

Because of you, Tata and I have become better people. We have learned, and are still learning to communicate more clearly and have a stronger relationship. When I see Tata playing with you and how proud he is of you, I love him even more.

As a mama, I have become less judgmental. Before you came along, I said things like "my baby will be sleeping in his crib after two months, we will be on a schedule, my house will be clean," I could go on and on. Well, you are a year old and still sleeping in our bed, Tata and I follow your schedule, and someday the house will be clean. For now, I just want to enjoy every moment I can with you.

I now have a more altruistic view of the world and what is truly important. Since you were born, I see so much that is positive and wonderful that I want to share with you. Watching you grow is like discovering the world for the first time, through a different lens. I hope to be an example for you of how to love and treat others.

You have opened up a whole new world for me. During my pregnancy and since your birth I met a fabulous group of women with whom I have become best friends. I also have a better understanding of my friends who had children prior to me.  It is such a blessing to watch you and your friends growing up together.

You have taught me what unconditional love really means. When you are sleeping, I often have to resist the urge to pick you up and snuggle you. Some days I feel like I need a break, but when I am away from you for any length of time, I miss you like crazy and can hardly wait to get home and have you in my arms again. When I think about you, my heart is overflowing. Because of you, I have a greater capacity to love others. I am honored that God chose me to be your mama. You are the greatest gift I have ever received.

It makes me sad that you are growing up so quickly, but at the same time, I am excited every morning to see what new things you will learn. I look forward to every year of your future and all the adventures we will have. You make us laugh and smile each and every day. Happy 1st Birthday, my little Bean!

I love you with all my heart,


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mr Bean Ten and Eleven Months

The Beanster turned 10 months while we were traveling in Europe this summer. Today my baby is 11 months old and I am planning his first birthday party. Where does the time go?

We are amazed at the changes that take place from month to month. The week between our California and Europe trips, Bean's first tooth came through. Between nine and 10 months, he started rocking on his hands and knees and scooting backwards. When we ask him a question he shrugs his shoulders and says eh? If we walk away from him he calls us by saying eehhh! He loves to put things in containers and take them out.

 At 11 months, still no crawling but he is so close! He is such a cautious baby, I think he is a little nervous to make that first scoot forward. Amel says it is because he is so smart - why would he crawl when we carry him wherever he'd like to go? He has become very good at going from his back or belly to a sitting position. Last night, in the middle of the night, I heard him moving around, looked over, and there he was sitting straight up, looking around. He has also started pulling up on objects, although he doesn't get all the way to standing yet.

He now has 3 teeth (two bottom and one top). The fourth tooth is beginning to make it's appearance, while giving the Bean a very hard time. Over the weekend, Bean opened his dresser drawer and started putting things in. The dresser is now bolted to the wall.

Last week, I gave Bean his little rubber duckie to play with in the car (one of his favorite toys). It sounded like he said duckie, but I thought, "no way." Today I gave it to him again and I am 95% sure he is saying duckie! I was impressed!

Diaper changes have begun to resemble alligator wrestling. I usually have to change him on the floor rather than on the changing table. When I walk into another room and call him, he answers "eh?" followed by some other very important words. I hate that time goes so quickly, but we are having a lot of fun with the Beanster. Everyday seems to bring something new.

10 months, at None's apartment

11 months

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mr. Bean Nine Months

Mr. Bean turned nine months while we were traveling in California.  During our trip, he had a lot of firsts!  The first day of our trip, Amel and I sat down to enjoy a piece of chocolate in Flagstaff, while Bean sat facing us in his stoller.  He started clapping!  Maybe he is looking forward to having chocolate in the future?

On July 8, we were in Solvang, CA. We had dinner at a Danish restaurant that was playing 50's music. Bean started moving to the beat. This was the first time we saw him dance! He hasn't stopped dancing since. He is crazy about music. He especially likes to hear children singing and loves anything he can shake. I may be a little biased, but the kid has rhythm!

Also, while in Solvang, Bean said MAMA! I was in the kitchen area of our hotel, while Bean and Tata were on the bed. I heard a little voice, clear as day, call out mama! He says a lot of other things, but mostly we have no idea what, as we don't speak googooga.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Traveling in the Balkans and the Meditteranean

This summer we spent a month in Europe.  We arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia, spent five days on Lopud (an island off the coast of Croatia), spent a week cruising the Mediterranean aboard the cruise ship Magnifica, part of the MSC cruise line, spent 11 days in Sarajevo, Bosnia, a day in Herzeg Novi, Montenegro, and back to Dubrovnik.  It was definitely an adventure, traveling with our little Bean! He enjoyed meeting his tetak (uncle) Amar, None, and his cousins!

Things I love about the Balkans/Mediterranean:
  • Walking everywhere (although not as enjoyable with an ankle injury)
  • Green summers 

  • Local, fresh, relatively inexpensive produce at markets within walking distance

  • Delicious bakeries on every corner

  • "Coffee culture" relax, take it easy, spend time chatting over Turkish coffee or rakia. There is no such thing as coffee to go.

  • Seeing my husband catch up with family and old friends, as well as meeting new friends

  • Learning new cultural customs
  • Iftar dinners 
  • Seeing historical sites
  • Amazingly beautiful mountains and coastline

  • No cooking or cleaning
  • Small spaces are incredibly organized

    Interesting Facts about traveling Europe:
    • Random strangers on the street freely give advice about how to care for your baby
    • Propu - the belief that sitting in a draft, going out with wet hair, or not wearing socks causes one to catch a cold, or worse; but having baby in a room filled with cigarette smoke - perfectly acceptable lol
    • Manners and etiquette differ from those in the US
    What I miss most (other than friends and family of course) when traveling:
      • Hot showers!

      Sunday, August 28, 2011

      California Trip

      Amel and I have been looking forward to his sabbatical for years, literally!  Pre baby we wanted to go on a trip around the globe and hit all the continents.  After baby, we knew that wasn't going to happen.  We will save that trip for when our child(ren) are old enough to appreciate it. Still, we want to take advantage of all this time off Amel has.  We decided we would take a couple of trips during these two months, with the first one being a California tour.  We planned our route, trying to make sure we didn't spend too much time in the car, torturing Bean in his car seat.

      Our journey looked like this:

      • Flagstaff, AZ (June 27). This was our first time in Flagstaff.  It was so much cooler, literally and figuratively, than Phoenix.  I really liked it and hope to spend more time in Flag!
      • Las Vegas, NV (June 28). We spent a relaxing afternoon at the swimming pool. Although our hotel was on the The Strip, we didn't visit it. When in Vegas with a small baby, swimming pools seem to be desired destinations. I will have to save dancing all night for a post breastfeeding trip to Vegas!
      • Visalia, CA (June 29). Nice little town area for walks, but too close to Fresno and Bakersfield (not our favorite places).
      • Sequoia National Park, CA (June 30). Breathtaking place. We must go back with  camping gear when our boy grows up a little bit. We saw the oldest, largest trees in the world here - Amazing!
      • Yosemite Park, CA (July 1). To explore this park, one would have to stay here for weeks. We spent only one day here, so we will have to come back at some point in the future. These parks are an inspiration to get in shape and do some major hiking!
      • Martinez, CA (July 2 - July 4). Here, we attended  a baby shower for some very good friends. We stayed with them for 3 days and had a great time! On July 4, we took a long stroll in downtown Berkeley.
      • Monterrey, CA (July 5). Golfer's paradise, great seafood, awesome aquarium, 17-Mile Drive and many other places. We enjoyed it very much.
      • Carmel, CA (July 6). Picture perfect small coastal Californian town.  I did some wine tasting alone while Amel strolled with the Bean. We looked in the shops and enjoyed the ocean view.  I am hoping Amel and I can spend a romantic weekend here sometime.
      • Solvang, CA (July 7-8). If you ever drive through central California wine country, you might want to visit this place. It is called the Danish Capital of the USA. I strongly recommend eating breakfast at Paula's Pancake House. Delicious!
      • Los Angeles, CA (July 9-10). We spent a couple of days visiting some friends who live close to Venice. Long walks, home made Bosnian food and great company.
      • Encinitas, CA (July 11-14). Four days at the beach. We met another couple here (our friends from Phoenix). Encinitas is just north of San Diego. It is a gorgeous beach town, with great restaurants, yoga places, meditation temples, and the great outdoors. We think we have found our escape location for the future summer vacations. My friend Yvette introduced me to Turkish Lattes at Lofty Bean Coffee Bar, which I had to visit daily.
      • Los Angeles, CA (July 15-16). We went to see an exhibition soccer game between L.A. Galaxy and Real Madrid. This was the first sport event for our little one and also my first MLS game. We got him ear plugs and he took it well for the most part, although he cried every time they scored a goal. I had a chance to see two of my favorite players, Ronaldo and Beckham!
      • Phoenix, AZ (July 17). Home Hot Home!
      We thought traveling with a little one would be challenging, but it was harder than we expected.  We did indeed have some challenges.  We are already looking back and laughing at some of the incidents from the trip though.  Through the challenges we learned more about ourselves and each other.  We also decided next year we will vacation in one spot, a short drive from home, that we drive to in a MINI VAN!

      climbing Morro Rock in Sequoia National Park
      Sequoia National Park
      Sequoia National Park

      Yosemite National Park

      Yosemite National Park

      Good Morning, John!
      Merima, Bean, Liam, Brian
      Nela and Liam

      Mama and Mr. Bean in Monterey, CA

      Tata and Bean in Monterey, CA

      Monterey Bay Aquarium

      Monterey Bay Aquarium

      Fast Food...
      The Lone Cypress. This was a stop along the 17 mile drive in Monterey
      Solvang, CA "Danish Capital of the US"

      Solvang, CA

      Yvette, Chris, and Noemi in Encinitas


      My handsome hubby <3

      Encinitas Meditation Garden

      Bean's favorite spot at the beach
      Add caption

      Bean DOES NOT like waves or sand!