Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Friday, September 28, 2012

New Year Holiday 2011/12

January 2012

We have a tradition that started several years ago. We spend the New Year holiday with two other couples. One couple includes Amel's high school friend, Nela and her husband, Brian. The other couple is Nela's sister, Merima and her husband, John.

Before any of us were married, Amel and I went to LA for a New Years party at Nela's place, I believe this was 2005/06. This was the first time I met Nela, Merima, and John. None of us knew Brian existed yet. Merima and John got married in 2006. Amel and I were married a few months later. That year, the five of us got together for Thanksgiving. We had an incredible time hanging out, playing games, and going out. I think we decided we needed to have at least an annual gathering.

I believe the next year, Brian joined the group and we spent New Years in LA and determined we should start a tradition of spending the New Year holiday together. 2008/09, we met up at John and Merima's in San Francisco. This year we went to the Sea of Dreams party in downtown San Francisco and created some life long memories! This year requires a post of its own hehe..

2009/10 was our turn to host in Phoenix. By this time, Nela and Brian were married and expecting an edition to their family. A few months later, Amel and I were expecting our own addition! Our 2010/11 celebration looked a lot different with Liam and Maika, but a great time none the less.

This year, it was time to go to San Fransisco again where we had the pleasure of meeting John and Merima's baby Keegan. New Year's Eve day we went to The Little Farm, then had a little dance party with babies while making dinner and celebrated at home. Our celebrations have gone from wine tastings to petting zoos, but nothing beats sharing special times with good friends. Happy 2012!

dinner in Berkeley before heading to the Sea of Dreams party



Hiking around ASU 2009/10

Ringing in 2010

Santa Monica 2010/11 Babies' first New Year's

at The Little Farm near San Francisco 2011/12




Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dealing With Insomnia

Nightly nursing sessions have caused me to develop insomnia. Several weeks ago, we moved the Bean from our room into his room. The first couple weeks went surprisingly well. The last three weeks have been hit or miss. Some nights he sleeps until 5 am without waking. Other nights, he is up between one and four times a night.  I think the waking has a lot to do with teething.

On the one hand, we have made progress. Amel and I have our bedroom back and can keep all our toiletries in the master bath, not having to worry about waking the Bean. In some ways I feel like we took a step backwards. I had been able to get him back to sleep in his crib by putting my hand on his back or on his neck. Now that he is sleeping on a mattress, he knows I am close by and only wants to nurse to get back to sleep.

Unfortunately, my hip and legs aren't in agreement with all night nursing. Some days I wake up feeling like I got beat up during the night. The last three weeks I have also been dealing with insomnia due to not knowing if it will be a night Bean will sleep or if I will be awakened throughout the night. I have been contemplating weaning him, but then I hear his little voice say "just one milk,"and decide we might not be ready.

I have found a few ways to help deal with the insomnia. Doing yoga before bed, especially the "legs up the wall" pose helps some. I also take Calm before bed. If I am having a really hard time falling asleep or dealing with restless legs I take a homeopathic sleep remedy called Neurexan. That usually does the trick. Since it is homeopathic, it is safe while nursing, non habit forming, and no side effects. I also try to eat a little protein before bed and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night to stabilize my blood sugar. After this routine, I lay in bed say prayers for my loved ones and hopefully fall asleep.

I have come to the conclusion I may not get sleep until he is able to have reasonable conversations. Coffee and I are good friends. The next few weeks will determine what we do about weaning/not weaning. More to come on that topic later.