Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mr Bean Ten and Eleven Months

The Beanster turned 10 months while we were traveling in Europe this summer. Today my baby is 11 months old and I am planning his first birthday party. Where does the time go?

We are amazed at the changes that take place from month to month. The week between our California and Europe trips, Bean's first tooth came through. Between nine and 10 months, he started rocking on his hands and knees and scooting backwards. When we ask him a question he shrugs his shoulders and says eh? If we walk away from him he calls us by saying eehhh! He loves to put things in containers and take them out.

 At 11 months, still no crawling but he is so close! He is such a cautious baby, I think he is a little nervous to make that first scoot forward. Amel says it is because he is so smart - why would he crawl when we carry him wherever he'd like to go? He has become very good at going from his back or belly to a sitting position. Last night, in the middle of the night, I heard him moving around, looked over, and there he was sitting straight up, looking around. He has also started pulling up on objects, although he doesn't get all the way to standing yet.

He now has 3 teeth (two bottom and one top). The fourth tooth is beginning to make it's appearance, while giving the Bean a very hard time. Over the weekend, Bean opened his dresser drawer and started putting things in. The dresser is now bolted to the wall.

Last week, I gave Bean his little rubber duckie to play with in the car (one of his favorite toys). It sounded like he said duckie, but I thought, "no way." Today I gave it to him again and I am 95% sure he is saying duckie! I was impressed!

Diaper changes have begun to resemble alligator wrestling. I usually have to change him on the floor rather than on the changing table. When I walk into another room and call him, he answers "eh?" followed by some other very important words. I hate that time goes so quickly, but we are having a lot of fun with the Beanster. Everyday seems to bring something new.

10 months, at None's apartment

11 months

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mr. Bean Nine Months

Mr. Bean turned nine months while we were traveling in California.  During our trip, he had a lot of firsts!  The first day of our trip, Amel and I sat down to enjoy a piece of chocolate in Flagstaff, while Bean sat facing us in his stoller.  He started clapping!  Maybe he is looking forward to having chocolate in the future?

On July 8, we were in Solvang, CA. We had dinner at a Danish restaurant that was playing 50's music. Bean started moving to the beat. This was the first time we saw him dance! He hasn't stopped dancing since. He is crazy about music. He especially likes to hear children singing and loves anything he can shake. I may be a little biased, but the kid has rhythm!

Also, while in Solvang, Bean said MAMA! I was in the kitchen area of our hotel, while Bean and Tata were on the bed. I heard a little voice, clear as day, call out mama! He says a lot of other things, but mostly we have no idea what, as we don't speak googooga.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Traveling in the Balkans and the Meditteranean

This summer we spent a month in Europe.  We arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia, spent five days on Lopud (an island off the coast of Croatia), spent a week cruising the Mediterranean aboard the cruise ship Magnifica, part of the MSC cruise line, spent 11 days in Sarajevo, Bosnia, a day in Herzeg Novi, Montenegro, and back to Dubrovnik.  It was definitely an adventure, traveling with our little Bean! He enjoyed meeting his tetak (uncle) Amar, None, and his cousins!

Things I love about the Balkans/Mediterranean:
  • Walking everywhere (although not as enjoyable with an ankle injury)
  • Green summers 

  • Local, fresh, relatively inexpensive produce at markets within walking distance

  • Delicious bakeries on every corner

  • "Coffee culture" relax, take it easy, spend time chatting over Turkish coffee or rakia. There is no such thing as coffee to go.

  • Seeing my husband catch up with family and old friends, as well as meeting new friends

  • Learning new cultural customs
  • Iftar dinners 
  • Seeing historical sites
  • Amazingly beautiful mountains and coastline

  • No cooking or cleaning
  • Small spaces are incredibly organized

    Interesting Facts about traveling Europe:
    • Random strangers on the street freely give advice about how to care for your baby
    • Propu - the belief that sitting in a draft, going out with wet hair, or not wearing socks causes one to catch a cold, or worse; but having baby in a room filled with cigarette smoke - perfectly acceptable lol
    • Manners and etiquette differ from those in the US
    What I miss most (other than friends and family of course) when traveling:
      • Hot showers!