Our first child was born in October of 2010. Time is flying by and he is changing so much! This blog is dedicated to documenting all the special moments and milestones we share together as a family.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cry it Out?

Last night was one of the most challenging we have had with our little beanster.  I think I had two hours of sleep. Poor Bean woke up screaming and was up most of the night.  It must have been the raw onions in the bean dip I made or the strawberries I ate.

Most of the night was spent nursing, rocking, and bouncing on the exercise ball.  Amel had to take over for a little while.  I often get advice saying I need to let Maika "cry it out."  I have decided, at least for the time being, that is not an approach I want to take with my little man.  I know he was crying for a reason last night.  Putting him in his bed in a dark room and leaving him to cry until he is so exhausted he falls asleep just doesn't sound like a good plan.  This phase of his life is so short in the over all picture.  It is a little hard to remember that in the midst of the challenges though.

There are two reasons I don't want to use a cry it out approach: 1). I don't want to damage the trust that is developing between us and our baby 2). I don't want my baby to suffer any physiological distress.

When I hear my baby cry, I can feel my blood pressure rise.  My instinct is to comfort him.  If I use a sleep training method, I have to desensitize myself to his cries.  I really don't want to become insensitive to his cries.  I don't believe, at this age, my child is trying to manipulate me, but cries to communicate a need, even if it is just the need for a snuggle.

At some point, I may have to adjust my stance on this issue, but for the time being, I think I am doing what Mr. Bean's sensitive personality needs.  Of course, there are times when it is just not possible to attend to a crying baby immediately.  There may also be moments when when one needs to put baby down in a safe place and take some sanity time (I have had some of these moments).  Parenting seems to be more of an art than a science.

More information:
Fussy baby
10 Reasons for Not Crying it Out
The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost by Jean Liedloff

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Splash Class

Thanks to a mom in my mommies group, I learned about a free "splash class" at Hubbard's swim school.  Once a week we can take Maika to a thirty minute class.  There is an instructor who directs parents in activities to help acclimate little ones to the water. Mr. Bean isn't really learning to swim at this point, but we think it is important for him to get comfortable in the water.  One of the activities is putting a colorful pool toy on the side and having baby reach for it.  This teaches the babies to put their hands on the side of the pool, which could be helpful if they were in the pool and needed to get out (although we will not be leaving Maika around any water without us there!).

I have the privilege of spending all day with Mr. Bean (and was not super excited about putting on a bathing suit), so Amel has been doing the splash class with Bean.  This gives them some nice bonding time.  I love seeing my boys have a good time together!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mr. Bean Five Months

Mr. Bean was five months old on Sunday.  Bean and I were visiting our friends in Los Angeles over the weekend, so I am posting today.  I really cannot believe he's five months already!  This year has flown by since his birth.  About a week ago Maika found his voice!  He has always made cute little sounds and coos.  He has been laughing for awhile, but he has started making loud, sort of screeching sounds, kind of like a pterodactyl lol.  We have conversations that last for quite awhile!  I love hearing him "talk," laugh, and seeing his smile.

He reaches for everything now and can get a good grasp on most objects.  Of course, everything goes straight into his mouth.  He loves to have something in his hands and often puts his sweet little hands on my face.  It melts my heart  ...sigh...

He has figured out how to get his pacifier into his mouth correctly and likes to practice this skill. When he first figured this out, his pacifier was hooked onto his bib with a ribbon.  Every time he got it into his mouth he would pull the string and be surprised he pulled the pacifier out of his mouth.  He is so funny...

The past month, Maika has been boycotting naps.  I guess there is so much to see and he is so aware, he  fights sleep during the day and has some major melt downs in the afternoon/evening. He goes down pretty easily at night after reading a book and nursing, although he is a hungry fellow and is up every three hours for a snack.  I did get him to nap today by sleeping with him - Looks like I will be taking a lot of naps!

Everyday I am amazed at all the new things our little Bean does.  He changes and grows so rapidly.  We could not have imagined how he would change our lives.  We learn just as much from him as he does from us.    I think every stage of his life will be a joy to go through, just wish it could go by a little more slowly!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Family Visit

My mom, my sister, Leah, and her youngest child, Olivia came for a visit February 24-28.  Olivia is 8 days younger than Maika.  This was the first time I got to meet my niece.  She is a cutie pie and full of spunk.  I think she and Mr. Bean will have a lot of fun together!  The weekend seemed to fly by, but it was still good to be able to spend some time together.  Rob, Sarah, Justin, and Erin came down from Anthem to hang out with us the first night Mom and Leah arrived.  We also got to see Erin dance a solo during a dance competition.  Rob and Sarah are Maika's Godparents, so we got to see them again, then had lunch at Rigatony's.  All of our guests like to go to Rigatony's when in town!

If you are wondering who Rob and Sarah are, Rob is my brother in law's brother.  He and his fabulous wife, Sarah live about an hour from Amel and me.  Justin and Erin are their really cool kids :)  Anyway, we are happy they live somewhat close to us!

Overall, it was a good visit and I'm glad they were able to come out.

Grandma Baker and Bean

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bean's First Christmas

Better late than never!  It is two months after Mr. Bean's first Christmas, but I want to blog about it, before I forget!  Maika was just over two months, so we decided not to travel.  Two years earlier we went to Ohio for Christmas and spent 36 hours at O'Hare airport.  My Dad ended up driving from Cincinnati to Chicago to pick us up.  We decided not to take our chances with a newborn.

Even though Maika had no idea what the season was all about, Christmas was more exciting than usual with a little one.  Before baby, we said we would only by our children a couple of gifts.  We had to eat our words, as we had to restrain ourselves from going out of control!  Mr. Bean got a "Sophie the Giraffe" teething toy, a children's world map (which I still need to get a frame for) car seat toys, clothes from Tata, um, actually, I don't remember everything...

Amel's sister came to visit.  She arrived on the 18th, if I remember correctly, and stayed for about 10 days.  It was nice to have some family around for Christmas.  Aida helped us finish decorating and clean up the house.  Mr. Bean had a fantastic time with his aunt.  Aida and Bean spent an evening together while Amel and I went on a date!  Our first and only since his birth.

On Christmas Eve, My friend Alicia (who I thought was terrific at the time, but have gotten to know and love her even more since), her husband Matt, and Maika's girlfriend - Linnea, came over to have an early dinner with us.  We made cevapi for them.  I think it was a success!  We really enjoyed the company.  Later that night, Aida and I made cookies and we exchanged one gift.  Amel and I have started a tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning, or more like Christmas early afternoon, we opened the rest of our gifts, then headed over to our good friends' Nadar and Diane's for dinner.  We had a great time, as usual!  It was a quiet Christmas at  home, but it was perfect!  Of course the best gift was the new addition to our family!