Happy Birthday, My dear, sweet Bean!
I can't believe you are five! You are such a big boy now. It seems like only yesterday I was writing your first birthday letter. Where did the time go??
This has been an exciting year with a lot of changes and adjustments. Our family has been adjusting to having two children. Most of the time you are happy, loving and protective of your brother. Other times you are annoyed that you can no longer build structures on the floor or bring tiny toys downstairs. It is not always easy dealing with younger siblings. I know from experience. I was the oldest in my family too. I do see some signs that you guys will be great friends though. You like to be the first one to greet Tito when he wakes from a nap. There are more and more times that the two of you interact and have fun together. You love to make your brother laugh. Sometimes I feel a little guilty that I cannot always play with you or always be the one to put you to sleep, but I think you are adjusting pretty well to having a brother.
This year you started PreK at Montessori Education Center. You were super excited the first couple of days, but by Friday of week one, you hid your head under your pillow and said you didn't want to go. For the most part, you seem to be enjoying school. You have made some good friends and do a great job listening to your teachers. You have learned to recognize the alphabet in cursive and know all the letter sounds. You are well on your way to reading. Of course, you do well with math and numbers.
I think you might be a little overwhelmed with going to school everyday and having dance class twice a week. You have complained about not wanting to go to dance. I told you you didn't have to go, but then we couldn't go back and you would not be able to do the recital. You said, "No, I want to go to dance, I just want to cut out one day of school in the middle of the week." You are quite a problem solver and negotiator! This year you are still taking acro dance and are also taking a ballet/tap class.
You do very well with following all of your teachers instructions. We are very proud of you. At home, we are having some challenging times though. You are definitely testing your boundaries and learning to deal with big emotions. Sometimes Tata and I don't know the best way to handle things, but we try hard to keep learning how to help you grow. We worry we aren't always doing things the right way. Right now you often defy what we say and argue with us. I think you sometimes think you are the grown up. There have been times that I have lost my patience and feel guilty or feel like I'm not a good mom and just don't know what to do. I hope you will forgive me for the mistakes I make along the way. We are all definitely learning together. You are my heart and I want the best for you.
Mostly, I want you to know how much we love you. There is nothing you could do to ever change that. There are so many things I love about you. You are a bright and caring boy. You are very creative and have a unique way of thinking. I look forward to what the next year has in store for us.
I love you, Beanie Bub!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
Happy 2nd Birthday Maxim Tito!
My dear Little Bubu,
Two years old, wow! How did that happen? The last year with you has been so fun. You are such a loving, social little guy and as cute as can be. You started walking around 15 months. You almost have all your teeth in, just waiting on those two year molars to completely come through. You are in the 3rd percentile for height and 25 percentile for weight, which makes you deliciously round and adorable.
You are talking so much! You have quite a vocabulary for a two year old. You love to say whatever your brother says, even if you don't quite understand what it means. It is impressive that you use your words to say how you are feeling. For example, tonight you yelled at me and said in cute baby style, "You make me so mad!" because I wouldn't let you climb on the table.
You are super loving, always giving hugs and kisses. With that being said, you are not exactly a gentle creature. a hug and kiss is often followed by a poke in the eye! You are very active and daring. Bean was correctly doing a back roll off of my bed. You decided you wanted to try it and launched yourself backwards right onto your head.
This summer you has swim lessons. You cried the first three days, but I had to make you continue because you jump right in when you see a body of water. You did so well in swim lessons, I have put you back in lessons at a swim school now that summer lessons are over.
You may not be the most gentle boy, but you have a kind and caring spirit. When someone cries you are concerned and ask if they are ok. You are very helpful, holding the door open for me, carrying things, trying to clean up.
Now that you are a little older, you and your brother interact more. You want to be right next to him and do everything he does. You quickly forgive him if he hurts or teases you. In another year or two I think the two of you will be having a lot of fun together.
My little Bubu, I couldn't imagine our family without you, You make me laugh and make me happy and grateful everyday. I love you with all my heart.
Love, Mama
Two years old, wow! How did that happen? The last year with you has been so fun. You are such a loving, social little guy and as cute as can be. You started walking around 15 months. You almost have all your teeth in, just waiting on those two year molars to completely come through. You are in the 3rd percentile for height and 25 percentile for weight, which makes you deliciously round and adorable.
You are talking so much! You have quite a vocabulary for a two year old. You love to say whatever your brother says, even if you don't quite understand what it means. It is impressive that you use your words to say how you are feeling. For example, tonight you yelled at me and said in cute baby style, "You make me so mad!" because I wouldn't let you climb on the table.
You are super loving, always giving hugs and kisses. With that being said, you are not exactly a gentle creature. a hug and kiss is often followed by a poke in the eye! You are very active and daring. Bean was correctly doing a back roll off of my bed. You decided you wanted to try it and launched yourself backwards right onto your head.
This summer you has swim lessons. You cried the first three days, but I had to make you continue because you jump right in when you see a body of water. You did so well in swim lessons, I have put you back in lessons at a swim school now that summer lessons are over.
You may not be the most gentle boy, but you have a kind and caring spirit. When someone cries you are concerned and ask if they are ok. You are very helpful, holding the door open for me, carrying things, trying to clean up.
Now that you are a little older, you and your brother interact more. You want to be right next to him and do everything he does. You quickly forgive him if he hurts or teases you. In another year or two I think the two of you will be having a lot of fun together.
My little Bubu, I couldn't imagine our family without you, You make me laugh and make me happy and grateful everyday. I love you with all my heart.
Love, Mama
First Birthday Letter to Maxim Tito
My Dear Maxim Tito,
Every year on your birthday, I plan to write you a letter to let you know how special you are and how much you are loved. The first year of your life has been amazing. I can't believe you are already one!
Pregnancy for me both times was rather difficult. I was sick the whole time. When I was pregnant with your brother, I wasn't sure I would survive! Of course I did, and before long, Tata and I knew we would like to have another baby and a sibling for your brother. Getting pregnant with you took time and after a failed fertility procedure we were not sure if we would be able to have a second baby. Then it happened! I was pregnant and was immediately thrilled and excited to meet you. It was a long 39 weeks, but so so worth it.
You were born on a Wednesday and delivered via C-section. I remember when I was being prepped for the surgery, Katy Perry's Dark Horse was playing on the radio. The surgery went well and you were born healthy and beautiful.
You were calm when you were born and still have a laid back, go with the flow personality. The first few weeks after your birth felt like a dreamy, magical time. Bean was so happy to meet you and very protective of you.
Breastfeeding was a little difficult in the beginning. It took four or five days for my milk to come in and you were impatient to drink. I supplemented with organic formula and breast milk from a trusted friend. When my milk came in, you didn't like that there was too much milk. Thankfully you would take a bottle of breast milk and in a few weeks you were nursing like a champ.
At about five months old, if you sat at the table with us, you would cry because you wanted to eat what we were eating. One of the first foods you tried was curry sauce and you loved it. We started introducing sauces, soups and soft foods to you. Meal time is still one of your favorite things. You also like to play with the toy kitchen and play foods. Maybe you will be a chef one day.
I have loved watching you grow and develop this year. You are very social. You like to play games with us, like peek-a-boo and love when we chase you or play tickling games. You like to imitate what those around you do, especially your brother. Bean was making you laugh by doing "face plants" on my bed, then you started trying to do it yourself. No one can make you laugh like Bean.
At a year old, you still get up a few times during the night, which makes for a tired mama, but other than that, you are such an easy baby to take care of. You don't seem to know a stranger. You also get really excited when you see other babies and toddlers.
There were times when I was pregnant with you that I wondered what it would be like to have two kids. When you were born, I discovered that either my heart grew twice as large as it had been, or I grew another one that was full of love for you. Maxim Tito, you have completed our family in the most beautiful way. I am not sure what I did to deserve the privilege of raising such a wonderful human being, but I am grateful everyday that God chose me to be your mama.
I love you with all my heart today and always,
Every year on your birthday, I plan to write you a letter to let you know how special you are and how much you are loved. The first year of your life has been amazing. I can't believe you are already one!
Pregnancy for me both times was rather difficult. I was sick the whole time. When I was pregnant with your brother, I wasn't sure I would survive! Of course I did, and before long, Tata and I knew we would like to have another baby and a sibling for your brother. Getting pregnant with you took time and after a failed fertility procedure we were not sure if we would be able to have a second baby. Then it happened! I was pregnant and was immediately thrilled and excited to meet you. It was a long 39 weeks, but so so worth it.
You were born on a Wednesday and delivered via C-section. I remember when I was being prepped for the surgery, Katy Perry's Dark Horse was playing on the radio. The surgery went well and you were born healthy and beautiful.
You were calm when you were born and still have a laid back, go with the flow personality. The first few weeks after your birth felt like a dreamy, magical time. Bean was so happy to meet you and very protective of you.
Breastfeeding was a little difficult in the beginning. It took four or five days for my milk to come in and you were impatient to drink. I supplemented with organic formula and breast milk from a trusted friend. When my milk came in, you didn't like that there was too much milk. Thankfully you would take a bottle of breast milk and in a few weeks you were nursing like a champ.
At about five months old, if you sat at the table with us, you would cry because you wanted to eat what we were eating. One of the first foods you tried was curry sauce and you loved it. We started introducing sauces, soups and soft foods to you. Meal time is still one of your favorite things. You also like to play with the toy kitchen and play foods. Maybe you will be a chef one day.
I have loved watching you grow and develop this year. You are very social. You like to play games with us, like peek-a-boo and love when we chase you or play tickling games. You like to imitate what those around you do, especially your brother. Bean was making you laugh by doing "face plants" on my bed, then you started trying to do it yourself. No one can make you laugh like Bean.
At a year old, you still get up a few times during the night, which makes for a tired mama, but other than that, you are such an easy baby to take care of. You don't seem to know a stranger. You also get really excited when you see other babies and toddlers.
There were times when I was pregnant with you that I wondered what it would be like to have two kids. When you were born, I discovered that either my heart grew twice as large as it had been, or I grew another one that was full of love for you. Maxim Tito, you have completed our family in the most beautiful way. I am not sure what I did to deserve the privilege of raising such a wonderful human being, but I am grateful everyday that God chose me to be your mama.
I love you with all my heart today and always,
Sunday, December 28, 2014
4th Birthday Letter to My Son
October 16, 2014
My Dear Bean,
You turned four years old three days ago. It was a Monday. We had your party the Saturday before. You wanted to have a construction birthday party again this year, so that's what we did! I used some different decorations this year and came up with some new games. Tata build a house out of cardboard boxes that you and your friends painted. I think all the kids enjoyed painting. I made some dump trucks out of card board and you and your friends did dump truck races. We also had a bounce house at your party, and of course, a construction birthday cake with four wax candles shaped like machines. You are still excited about the candles and playing with them.
You requested to go to Chili's restaurant on your actual birthday because you like the Ziosk computer they have at the tables and you wanted them to sing to you. Tata came home early from work so we could take you. Watching your expression as they sang you happy birthday was so cute! It is hard to believe you are four years old! That seems like such a big kid. No longer a baby.
This past year has had it's challenges, but it has been so much fun! You got the hang of potty training and are now a pro. You have learned to dress yourself. Your vocabulary is amazing. People can't believe that you just turned four when they hear you speak. You still love construction and big machines. Sometimes I take you to Home Depot so we can walk around and look at the tools. You like to wear your yellow construction vest, work gloves, hard hat and boots when you go out.
You are such a smart and curious boy, always checking out how things work. The last time I vacuumed, you asked me to turn it up so you could see underneath. Today and the park you were on a tire swing with your friends, Ian and Aiden. I saw you looking up to see how the swing was connected and working. I am amazed at how quickly you learn and how you remember everything.
This year at preschool there is a Music Together class. Since you are in school three days a week and dance one day a week, we are no longer going to Mrs. Lyn's musikgarten. I think you miss her, but you are enjoying your music class at preschool. You remember all the words and go around singing the songs. I love hearing your sweet little voice.
Now that you are four, you act more like a big boy than a baby or little kid. I love the conversations we have and your sense of humor. One of your favorite "jokes" is to say "Have you ever seen a bug eating a (insert all kinds of silly things here)?" You told me at lunch you and your friends say "Please pass the Reagans" or Please pass the Aidens" or "Beans" and laugh. I love your silliness. You are so excited about life and full of energy. I see a spark in you that I don't see in many other children.
Three turning four does have some challenges. You understand what taking turns and sharing mean but sometimes find it difficult, especially taking turns with your toys at home. You are a very kind and caring boy though, and are getting better at these tasks. When you are upset you now say things like "I don't want to play with you EVER again" or "I'm not your friend." The next minute you are happy again asking to play and saying "I love you."
You ask A LOT of questions every day. Many times you are asking questions before I have a chance to answer the question before. Many days Tata and I are tired, but we love your curiosity. We joke with you that you are "pecking us like a chicken." We have to remind ourselves that you are growing and learning and need to ask questions in order to do so.
There are many things you like to do. You love to go to the park and dig in the sand with your construction trucks. You spend a lot of time jumping on the couch. You are never still. Even when watching your construction shows or Daniel Tiger you are usually standing up, jumping or moving side to side. You enjoy playing board games with us, although you don't like to lose. You really like building things with Tata and using your toy cranes. You are taking a dance class that you really like with Ms. Emily. I am glad you have so many interests.
You are becoming more and more independent. You want to do most things yourself and have to start over if we try to help you. You want to help with things around the house, like making coffee. Trying these things sometimes leads to messes being made but I know that's how you learn, so I don't worry too much about the messes and have you help clean them up.
This year you are in the multi age class in the Child Study Lab at ASU. You miss Teacher Neli from last year, but have come to love Teacher Nina this year. You really enjoy school and are excited every morning to go. Your teacher says you are doing a great job with problem solving, getting along with others and making friends.
The past year was a little challenging for me, as I was pregnant with your brother. I was nauseous and vomiting the whole pregnancy, just like with you. I was also very tired. I worried a lot that I wasn't spending time with you the way I had when not pregnant. I felt very guilty about being tired and sick all the time and not being able to play with you the way we were used to. You were very excited about the baby though, and seemed to take things in stride. You sang and talked to the baby and gave hugs and kisses to my growing belly. When Maxim Tito was born, you were very excited to meet him and have been taking good care of him ever since. You are usually very gentle with him and also protective. You definitely had an adjustment period for a few weeks, as did we all. I think you were a little angry with Tata and me that I had to spend a lot of time taking care of Tito and not as much time with you as I was able to in the past. This was a hard adjustment for me too! Gradually, we fell into a routine and we had a new normal, that included your brother. I can tell you guys are going to be best of friends.
This has been an amazing year, and you are an amazing son. I love you with all my heart.
My Dear Bean,
You turned four years old three days ago. It was a Monday. We had your party the Saturday before. You wanted to have a construction birthday party again this year, so that's what we did! I used some different decorations this year and came up with some new games. Tata build a house out of cardboard boxes that you and your friends painted. I think all the kids enjoyed painting. I made some dump trucks out of card board and you and your friends did dump truck races. We also had a bounce house at your party, and of course, a construction birthday cake with four wax candles shaped like machines. You are still excited about the candles and playing with them.
You requested to go to Chili's restaurant on your actual birthday because you like the Ziosk computer they have at the tables and you wanted them to sing to you. Tata came home early from work so we could take you. Watching your expression as they sang you happy birthday was so cute! It is hard to believe you are four years old! That seems like such a big kid. No longer a baby.
This past year has had it's challenges, but it has been so much fun! You got the hang of potty training and are now a pro. You have learned to dress yourself. Your vocabulary is amazing. People can't believe that you just turned four when they hear you speak. You still love construction and big machines. Sometimes I take you to Home Depot so we can walk around and look at the tools. You like to wear your yellow construction vest, work gloves, hard hat and boots when you go out.
You are such a smart and curious boy, always checking out how things work. The last time I vacuumed, you asked me to turn it up so you could see underneath. Today and the park you were on a tire swing with your friends, Ian and Aiden. I saw you looking up to see how the swing was connected and working. I am amazed at how quickly you learn and how you remember everything.
This year at preschool there is a Music Together class. Since you are in school three days a week and dance one day a week, we are no longer going to Mrs. Lyn's musikgarten. I think you miss her, but you are enjoying your music class at preschool. You remember all the words and go around singing the songs. I love hearing your sweet little voice.
Now that you are four, you act more like a big boy than a baby or little kid. I love the conversations we have and your sense of humor. One of your favorite "jokes" is to say "Have you ever seen a bug eating a (insert all kinds of silly things here)?" You told me at lunch you and your friends say "Please pass the Reagans" or Please pass the Aidens" or "Beans" and laugh. I love your silliness. You are so excited about life and full of energy. I see a spark in you that I don't see in many other children.
Three turning four does have some challenges. You understand what taking turns and sharing mean but sometimes find it difficult, especially taking turns with your toys at home. You are a very kind and caring boy though, and are getting better at these tasks. When you are upset you now say things like "I don't want to play with you EVER again" or "I'm not your friend." The next minute you are happy again asking to play and saying "I love you."
You ask A LOT of questions every day. Many times you are asking questions before I have a chance to answer the question before. Many days Tata and I are tired, but we love your curiosity. We joke with you that you are "pecking us like a chicken." We have to remind ourselves that you are growing and learning and need to ask questions in order to do so.
There are many things you like to do. You love to go to the park and dig in the sand with your construction trucks. You spend a lot of time jumping on the couch. You are never still. Even when watching your construction shows or Daniel Tiger you are usually standing up, jumping or moving side to side. You enjoy playing board games with us, although you don't like to lose. You really like building things with Tata and using your toy cranes. You are taking a dance class that you really like with Ms. Emily. I am glad you have so many interests.
You are becoming more and more independent. You want to do most things yourself and have to start over if we try to help you. You want to help with things around the house, like making coffee. Trying these things sometimes leads to messes being made but I know that's how you learn, so I don't worry too much about the messes and have you help clean them up.
This year you are in the multi age class in the Child Study Lab at ASU. You miss Teacher Neli from last year, but have come to love Teacher Nina this year. You really enjoy school and are excited every morning to go. Your teacher says you are doing a great job with problem solving, getting along with others and making friends.
The past year was a little challenging for me, as I was pregnant with your brother. I was nauseous and vomiting the whole pregnancy, just like with you. I was also very tired. I worried a lot that I wasn't spending time with you the way I had when not pregnant. I felt very guilty about being tired and sick all the time and not being able to play with you the way we were used to. You were very excited about the baby though, and seemed to take things in stride. You sang and talked to the baby and gave hugs and kisses to my growing belly. When Maxim Tito was born, you were very excited to meet him and have been taking good care of him ever since. You are usually very gentle with him and also protective. You definitely had an adjustment period for a few weeks, as did we all. I think you were a little angry with Tata and me that I had to spend a lot of time taking care of Tito and not as much time with you as I was able to in the past. This was a hard adjustment for me too! Gradually, we fell into a routine and we had a new normal, that included your brother. I can tell you guys are going to be best of friends.
This has been an amazing year, and you are an amazing son. I love you with all my heart.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
3rd Birthday Letter to My Son
My Dear Bean,
Today is your official birthday, but we had your party yesterday. We went to Tumbleweed Park in Chandler and had a construction theme. Nothing else would be appropriate as you love all things construction and anything that has to do with big trucks or machines. Ten of your friends and their families came to celebrate. We played a ring toss game and used a variety of boxes as building blocks that you guys stacked on top of each other and then demolished. I think all the kids had a great time. You were so excited about your party you woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.
This year has really been fun. Tata and I love watching you grow and develop. At this time last year you were speaking in simple sentences, at three years old you have a large vocabulary and use some complicated words. A lot of your vocabulary centers around construction and machines as you really like to watch "Mighty Machines" and DVD's about construction and big trucks. One of your favorite things is to watch the garbage man when the big truck uses its "garbage arms" to dump the garbage.
Another of your favorite activities is playing with trucks and digging in the sand or in a big pile of beans in the kitchen. We have spent many hours playing with trucks. You love to pretend to be different characters and tell Tata and I which characters we should be.
You have been involved in a couple of activities this year. We have continued musikgarten classes with your teach Lyn. You were mad at me one day last week and told me you were going to go away to Ms. Lyn's house. You also did a soccer tots class with Tata. About half the time you participated, but now we see you using the skills that you learned in that class.
You really enjoy talking to grown ups and older kids and participating in cooperative activities with kids who are a bit older than you. At play dates you like to talk to the moms more than the kids sometimes. You also like to have an audience to pretend to be a character from one of your construction DVD's. You are quite a character and make us laugh everyday. You prefer a calm environment with fewer people to loud, noisy places. You are also cautious, taking your time before jumping into an activity.
Your sleeping habits have improved. Rather than waking several times during the night, you usually only wake up once, at which point you come into our room and snuggle in between me and Tata. It is usually around 3 or 4 in the morning. There are even some nights where you sleep until morning. Naps seem to be becoming a thing of the past. You haven't taken a nap in over a week. You still nurse when you are going to sleep. I have been telling you that "mama milk" is going away when you turn three. A couple days ago you asked me to lay down with you on the couch and said you wanted mama milk. I reminded you you were almost three and you told me "Mama, I only want to have two candles." The things you say make us laugh everyday. For example you put a toy on your finger and it got stuck. You hid your hand behind your back and told Tata, "Tata, some people put things on their fingers and they are not happy." Then you showed him what was stuck on your finger.
This age is fun and amusing, but also comes with some challenges. You are becoming more independent and would really like to have your own way whenever possible. When you are feeling frustrated you will smack at us and tell us you are hitting us, or make one short scream like "baaaaaa." We try to help you by labeling what you are feeling and encouraging you to use your words rather than hit or scream. You have also said "Mama, do you want me to scream at you - baaaaa." Sometimes these situations are frustrating for us as parents, but other times, we are really holding back laughter as we watch you go through these learning periods.
Your eating habits have not changed much. You still primarily survive on a sweet potato/chicken baby food meal from a jar and mango packets. Maybe this will be the year you start trying new foods??
You have recently started using the potty. You did great the first couple weeks we started potty training. Then you went through a phase that lasted a couple weeks where you peed on the carpet on purpose! I tried having you clean it yourself, then resorted to giving you M&M's when you went in the potty rather than on the floor. That worked for awhile, then you decided to try peeing on the floor again. When Tata and I told you we would get sick if you kept peeing on the carpet and started pretending to be sick when you did it, you stopped. Some day this will be really funny to look back on, however, I was not laughing for those few weeks! Even though there are challenges, I enjoy watching how you learn through them and I am always amazed at the wonderful little boy you are.
Next month you will start preschool two days a week. I guess I can no longer call you a baby, or even a toddler, but in my heart you will be my baby forever.
I love you dearly,
Today is your official birthday, but we had your party yesterday. We went to Tumbleweed Park in Chandler and had a construction theme. Nothing else would be appropriate as you love all things construction and anything that has to do with big trucks or machines. Ten of your friends and their families came to celebrate. We played a ring toss game and used a variety of boxes as building blocks that you guys stacked on top of each other and then demolished. I think all the kids had a great time. You were so excited about your party you woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.
This year has really been fun. Tata and I love watching you grow and develop. At this time last year you were speaking in simple sentences, at three years old you have a large vocabulary and use some complicated words. A lot of your vocabulary centers around construction and machines as you really like to watch "Mighty Machines" and DVD's about construction and big trucks. One of your favorite things is to watch the garbage man when the big truck uses its "garbage arms" to dump the garbage.
Another of your favorite activities is playing with trucks and digging in the sand or in a big pile of beans in the kitchen. We have spent many hours playing with trucks. You love to pretend to be different characters and tell Tata and I which characters we should be.
You have been involved in a couple of activities this year. We have continued musikgarten classes with your teach Lyn. You were mad at me one day last week and told me you were going to go away to Ms. Lyn's house. You also did a soccer tots class with Tata. About half the time you participated, but now we see you using the skills that you learned in that class.
You really enjoy talking to grown ups and older kids and participating in cooperative activities with kids who are a bit older than you. At play dates you like to talk to the moms more than the kids sometimes. You also like to have an audience to pretend to be a character from one of your construction DVD's. You are quite a character and make us laugh everyday. You prefer a calm environment with fewer people to loud, noisy places. You are also cautious, taking your time before jumping into an activity.
Your sleeping habits have improved. Rather than waking several times during the night, you usually only wake up once, at which point you come into our room and snuggle in between me and Tata. It is usually around 3 or 4 in the morning. There are even some nights where you sleep until morning. Naps seem to be becoming a thing of the past. You haven't taken a nap in over a week. You still nurse when you are going to sleep. I have been telling you that "mama milk" is going away when you turn three. A couple days ago you asked me to lay down with you on the couch and said you wanted mama milk. I reminded you you were almost three and you told me "Mama, I only want to have two candles." The things you say make us laugh everyday. For example you put a toy on your finger and it got stuck. You hid your hand behind your back and told Tata, "Tata, some people put things on their fingers and they are not happy." Then you showed him what was stuck on your finger.
This age is fun and amusing, but also comes with some challenges. You are becoming more independent and would really like to have your own way whenever possible. When you are feeling frustrated you will smack at us and tell us you are hitting us, or make one short scream like "baaaaaa." We try to help you by labeling what you are feeling and encouraging you to use your words rather than hit or scream. You have also said "Mama, do you want me to scream at you - baaaaa." Sometimes these situations are frustrating for us as parents, but other times, we are really holding back laughter as we watch you go through these learning periods.
Your eating habits have not changed much. You still primarily survive on a sweet potato/chicken baby food meal from a jar and mango packets. Maybe this will be the year you start trying new foods??
You have recently started using the potty. You did great the first couple weeks we started potty training. Then you went through a phase that lasted a couple weeks where you peed on the carpet on purpose! I tried having you clean it yourself, then resorted to giving you M&M's when you went in the potty rather than on the floor. That worked for awhile, then you decided to try peeing on the floor again. When Tata and I told you we would get sick if you kept peeing on the carpet and started pretending to be sick when you did it, you stopped. Some day this will be really funny to look back on, however, I was not laughing for those few weeks! Even though there are challenges, I enjoy watching how you learn through them and I am always amazed at the wonderful little boy you are.
Next month you will start preschool two days a week. I guess I can no longer call you a baby, or even a toddler, but in my heart you will be my baby forever.
I love you dearly,
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Interesting Facts About Babies
Fascinating and interesting facts about babies:
- While still in mother's womb, seven month old babies can open their eyes and follow light.
- Tuesday and Wednesday are two days of the week with the highest birth rate in the US.
- Top three months with the highest birth rate in the US are: August, September, and July.
- Babies born in May weigh 200 grams more than babies born in any other month.
- During first three months, babies can focus on objects only one feet away. This is roughly a distance to the mother's face, while a baby is nursing.
- Most babies will have blue eyes at birth. Permanent eye color develops later.
- Sometimes around 10 weeks after being born, a baby will "decide" if she is left or right handed.
- During the first year, baby's brain will double in size. It will double once again after year one.
- Adults have 206 bones, while newborns babies have 300 bones. Baby bones later on fuse into each other driving the total number of bones over time towards adult's 206 bones.
- Babies have almost 10,000 taste buds, which is significantly more than in adults.
- Only 20% of babies are born without any birth marks.
- Baby's head is 25% of its body length, while adult's head is only 12.5% of his or her length.
- Baby's brain is 10% of its total body weight, while adult's brain is only 2% of his body weight.
- The only organ that is fully developed at birth is baby's inner ear.
- Only ten minutes after being born, a baby can detect from where a sound is coming from.
- Babies can recognize their mother's voice on the first day they are born.
- Blind babies smile, so it is clear that smiling is not a copied function; babies are born to smile.
- Babies might not be able to produce tears up to first five months of their life.
- Babies can not taste salt until they are 4 months old, which is in line with kidney development.
- Newborn's stomach can hold only 3 oz of liquid.
- When they are born, their vision is 400/20. After only six months, baby's vision is usually 20/20.
- Newborn's eye is 75% of its adult size.
- Newborn babies are not color blind. They prefer strong primary colors, such as red and blue.
- Newborn babies usually urinate every 20 minutes.
- If a human would continue to grow at the first year's growth rate, he or she would be 25 feet tall.
- Babies kneecaps will fully develop full six months after the birth.
- Newborn's heartbeat is usually twice of a normal adult.
- Teething in babies can start as early as 3 months.
- On average, a baby in the US will go through 7,500 diaper per year.
- On average, women change a diaper in 2 minutes, while men complete the job in 1.25 minutes.
- Every three second, a baby is born somewhere in the world.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
The Bean At 2 Years And 9 Months
The Bean is now closer to three than two. We just celebrated the 4th of July, although it was so hot, we didn't really do much celebrating. We did go to the pool in the evening. We could hear fireworks in the neighborhood but couldn't actually see any. I showed Bean some fireworks from DisneyWorld on youtube so he could see what the "kaboom sound" was.
This is really an amazing and very challenging age. Bean has a big vocabulary and will talk to anyone who will listen to him. He mostly wants to talk about big machines and construction sites. He loves to watch a kids documentary called Mighty Machines that is all about big machines and the jobs they do. He often quotes his favorite episodes, especially right before falling asleep.
Bean has become an extra exceptionally picky eater. We have a hard time getting him to eat anything other than a chicken/sweet potato baby food or mango packets. He did ask for soup yesterday, which means he wants to eat a sweet potato dahl that I make. The eating issue can be very frustrating.
He still usually takes a good nap for 2-3 hours and sleeps for about 8 hours at night. Sometime between 4 and 7 we can expect to hear Bean's door slam, his little feet shuffle down the hallway, our door slam, and he crawls into our bed. Today he was up at 4:30 for the day. It is near impossible to explain that just because the sun is up, he doesn't have to be. Bean is still nursing when he first wakes up, before nap and bedtime and sometimes after his nap. However, he and Amel were laying in his bed reading a book three nights ago, while I was waiting for Amel to hand him to me in the rocking chair. When Amel stood up, Bean said "No, Tata, lay down with me." I said ok, you can sleep with Tata, quickly gave him a kiss and walked out. Amel stayed with him for about twenty minutes and he actually fell asleep! Neither one of us could believe it. I have been telling him when he is three mama milk is going away. We will see how that goes. About two months ago he told me "Mama, I am always thinking about when can I have your milk." He makes me laugh everyday.
Two weeks ago we started potty training. We told Bean he would just be wearing diapers to sleep. We took three days and stayed at home, just focusing on going potty. The first day we had a few accidents and he pooed in his shorts and on the carpet, but since then all the poo has made it into the potty. When we are at home he rarely has an accident probably partly due to running around with out pants on. He has also done really well when we've been out. As the mama, it is tiring running him to the bathroom all the time and worrying about him touching every part of every public toilet out there, but he is doing a great job. He is getting into the habit of telling us when he has to go when we are out, although he thinks he has to go every time he sees a bathroom. It is funny how proud a parent can feel about her child using the potty. This morning, I had to go to the bathroom and my shadow followed me in there, as usual. He asked, "Mama, do you have a penis?" I told him no and he said "we'll get you one next time, mama, don't worry." Hearing the way a two year old thinks is priceless.
We are keeping busy this summer, always in search of indoor activities to do. It has been over 110 degrees this past week. Bean went to the movie theatre for the first time to see The Lorax. We have been to the roller rink a couple of times. We have play dates with friends and spend time in the pool. We have been working hard on www.BeansMama.com, which is starting to take off. The summer days seem to go by slowly, but overall the summer is going by quickly.
Bean is currently at Soccer Tots with Amel - his first sports class. The first week, he did well. He could do all the skills and listened to the coach. The second week he didn't want to participate until the very end. He said this week he was going to listen to coach. Hopefully the boys are enjoying their time. Now it is time for me to accomplish something while I am home alone.
This is really an amazing and very challenging age. Bean has a big vocabulary and will talk to anyone who will listen to him. He mostly wants to talk about big machines and construction sites. He loves to watch a kids documentary called Mighty Machines that is all about big machines and the jobs they do. He often quotes his favorite episodes, especially right before falling asleep.
Bean has become an extra exceptionally picky eater. We have a hard time getting him to eat anything other than a chicken/sweet potato baby food or mango packets. He did ask for soup yesterday, which means he wants to eat a sweet potato dahl that I make. The eating issue can be very frustrating.
He still usually takes a good nap for 2-3 hours and sleeps for about 8 hours at night. Sometime between 4 and 7 we can expect to hear Bean's door slam, his little feet shuffle down the hallway, our door slam, and he crawls into our bed. Today he was up at 4:30 for the day. It is near impossible to explain that just because the sun is up, he doesn't have to be. Bean is still nursing when he first wakes up, before nap and bedtime and sometimes after his nap. However, he and Amel were laying in his bed reading a book three nights ago, while I was waiting for Amel to hand him to me in the rocking chair. When Amel stood up, Bean said "No, Tata, lay down with me." I said ok, you can sleep with Tata, quickly gave him a kiss and walked out. Amel stayed with him for about twenty minutes and he actually fell asleep! Neither one of us could believe it. I have been telling him when he is three mama milk is going away. We will see how that goes. About two months ago he told me "Mama, I am always thinking about when can I have your milk." He makes me laugh everyday.
Two weeks ago we started potty training. We told Bean he would just be wearing diapers to sleep. We took three days and stayed at home, just focusing on going potty. The first day we had a few accidents and he pooed in his shorts and on the carpet, but since then all the poo has made it into the potty. When we are at home he rarely has an accident probably partly due to running around with out pants on. He has also done really well when we've been out. As the mama, it is tiring running him to the bathroom all the time and worrying about him touching every part of every public toilet out there, but he is doing a great job. He is getting into the habit of telling us when he has to go when we are out, although he thinks he has to go every time he sees a bathroom. It is funny how proud a parent can feel about her child using the potty. This morning, I had to go to the bathroom and my shadow followed me in there, as usual. He asked, "Mama, do you have a penis?" I told him no and he said "we'll get you one next time, mama, don't worry." Hearing the way a two year old thinks is priceless.
We are keeping busy this summer, always in search of indoor activities to do. It has been over 110 degrees this past week. Bean went to the movie theatre for the first time to see The Lorax. We have been to the roller rink a couple of times. We have play dates with friends and spend time in the pool. We have been working hard on www.BeansMama.com, which is starting to take off. The summer days seem to go by slowly, but overall the summer is going by quickly.
Bean is currently at Soccer Tots with Amel - his first sports class. The first week, he did well. He could do all the skills and listened to the coach. The second week he didn't want to participate until the very end. He said this week he was going to listen to coach. Hopefully the boys are enjoying their time. Now it is time for me to accomplish something while I am home alone.
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a favorite activity |
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Keeping cool by climbing furniture at the mall |
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"The Boss" watching Mighty Machines |
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First time skating with pal, Noemi |
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